Distinctive Cycads, Palms, and Exotics

for the Landscape Market

Landscape Section

We are now certified for AZ, LA, and TX

Nematode, Fire Ant, and Diaprepes free
All 3,7, 15, 25, and 45 gallon cycads, palms, gingers and Dyckias have been certified for these states.

If you are looking for unique plant material that will set your jobs apart from all the rest, you have come to the right place. We carry more cycad species in large containers than anyone outside of California, but at Florida prices. Here at The Cycad Jungle, we specialize in unusual plants that may be seen in botanical gardens, but have been almost impossible to find on the wholesale market.
Most cycads are drought tolerant, and many are salt tolerant. All cycads are tolerant of various soil conditions, in fact most of the native cycad habitats are areas having very poor soil. Many cycads grow on rock or in sand. Cycads even have a specialized root system that fixes nitrogen so they are able to grow in infertile soil. For all these reasons, cycads are a good choice when you need hardy, drought tolerant, or low maintenance plants.
The only cycad most people are familiar with is the king sago, or Cycas revoluta. There are at least 150 other species that make good landscape plants. Our cycad section has species that are available for landscape use. In many cases we will have pictures of the available plants, but if we don't, we can take digital photos at your request.


We are specializing in a few species of palms that we feel are unusual, and are fairly cold hardy in central Florida. We have more species that will be available later that are still in smaller containers. It is our goal to have all our palms in 25 gallon containers, or larger.


We have other unusual exotics that are commonly not available in the landscape market. We have a beautiful ginger called "Scarlet Fever" that has deep red stems and leafstalks. The color on these plants is incredible, and adds an impressive effect on any landscape job.

Scarlet Fever

Dyckias are Bromeliads that prefer full sun and flower year after year instead of dying after they flower. We have found three Dyckias that we think will make the best landscape plants because they are cold hardy, have a good size and shape, and have good color.
