Uncommon Cycads Best Suited
for the Florida Landscape
by Tom Broome
Cycads have survived on this earth for over 250 million years.
One reason for this is because they can grow where the faster
growing angiosperms can not survive. They can thrive in sandy
soils with no nutrients. Some live on top of solid rock. Cycads
even have a specialized root system, called coralloid roots, that
in essence produce nitrogen for the plant to use. For many reasons
cycads are perfect for xeriscaping projects, and growing in our
sandy soils here in Florida. Most of us are familiar with sagos,
cardboard plants, and coonties, commonly used in landscapes. But
what about the other 250 species? Uncommon cycads growing in Florida
nurseries are an important resource that has been untapped by
landscapers throughout our state, mainly because people are not
familiar with them. I will discuss five uncommon, but available
cycads that are best suited for the Florida landscape.
Cycads are the oldest living, seed-bearing plants left on earth.
The first fossil cycads date back 250 million years. During the
age of the dinosaurs, cycads were the most prominent plant group.
Around 75 million years ago the flowering plants evolved, and
ended up to be the most prevalent plant group today. The few hundred
species of cycads that exist today are a small fraction of the
species that used to exist. The cycads that are left are the ones
that can survive where the faster growing flowering plants cannot.
These habitats are usually deserts and other sandy areas, on top
of stone outcroppings, and forest areas too dark for flowering
plants to grow well.
Cycads have structural mechanisms that have helped them to
survive all these years. Most have some sort of spines on the
leaflets, and cataphylls on the stems to ward off any animals
that may want to eat them. Cycads have a specialized, secondary
root system called coralloid roots that grow up to the surface
instead of down like most roots. A blue green algae grows on top
of these roots and helps with a nitrogen fixing process that,
in essence, produces nitrogen for the plant to live on. This is
why a cycad can grow on solid rock without any nutrients. The
stems of cycads are also very hardy. Cycad stems have a starch
content of around 65%. If something happens to the foliage or
a part of the stem is damaged, the plant will live off the starch
until new leaves or new growing apexes are produced. In certain
habitats, seasonal fires are a way of life. The stems get burned,
and the next year new foliage emerges. Cycad stems can even be
propagated by cutting them up into small pieces and planting them
The ground that landscapers have to work with here in Florida
is usually sand, in most areas, and coral rock, in some of the
southern parts of our state. It is hard to get many of our plants
to grow in these areas. Use of native plants and xeriscaping is
increasingly the way of the future for landscapers. Cycads are
perfect for these types of landscapes and soil conditions. Native
Zamias are already being used by municipalities and road
departments all over the state in great numbers. Are there any
other cycads that can be used in these cases? There are many cycad
species growing in Florida nurseries that would be perfect for
these xeriscape projects as well as in our everyday landscapes.
The main reason that people don't use these unusual cycads in
the landscape is that they are not familiar with them. Lack of
supply of these cycads has also been a determining factor. In
the last five years there has been a lot of interest generated
by new books on the subject of cycads and by the many cycad societies
that have been formed all over our state. Supply of unusual cycads
in wholesale nurseries all over Florida has probably tripled in
the last five years.
There are several unusual cycad species that can be grown quite
successfully here in Florida, but a good supply of these plants
for the landscape trade might be several years coming. I am going
to discuss five species that will work well in our landscapes,
and either already have a widespread availability or will have
in the next few years. These plants will be discussed in the order
of the most available to the least available at this time.
Dioon edule
is probably top on the list for cold hardiness of all the cycads
that grow well in Florida. After the freeze of 1989 my king sagos
were totally defoliated. My Dioon edule plants did not
even get tip burn at 17°F. I know of people who have tested
this plant down to 10°F. In habitat, these plants grow in
sandy areas, and sometimes on rocks over looking the Gulf of
Mexico, also showing their great salt tolerance. In fact, they
will grow well in almost any kind of soil that drains well. Barring
any insect or pathogen damage, these plants will live for 1500
years with no real care at all (the plant to the right is at
least 200 years old). Dioon edule has the general appearance
of the king sago, with lighter green foliage. These plants are
available all over the state by wholesale nurseries that carry
other more well-known cycads.
Cycas taitungensis,
commonly known as the Prince Sago or Emperor Sago, is starting
to be widely used in areas where a larger, but cold hardy cycad
is needed. The leaf spread of the King Sago will normally be
around six feet wide, whereas the spread on this species will
be around eleven feet. The foliage has been found to be slightly
less frost tolerant compared to the king, but the stems are known
to be more cold hardy. People have been growing these plants
as a test in Atlanta and in central Alabama. These plants are
also very salt tolerant. Cycas taitungensis is probably
the fastest growing cycad on earth. If grown in full sun and
fertilized heavily, these plants can push up to six leaf flushes
per year. With the right growing conditions, these plants can
grow from a sprouted seed to a plant with a two-foot tall stem
in less than five years. Availability is very good on this species,
with more than 100,000 plants being produced each year in Florida.
Encephalartos ferox
is a species from South Africa that is getting to be the most
sought after and unusual cycad in south Florida. This species
has leaflets that resemble the leaves of a Rotunda Holly plant,
making it very showy. The best attribute this species has is
the bright red cones that are produced on the mature plants.
A female cone can be fifteen inches tall and ten inches wide.
A larger plant can produce as many as five female cones at one
time. With the dark green foliage, these red cones can really
stand out in the landscape. I like to use these plants with Aztec
Grass to add to the contrast of color and texture. Encephalartos
ferox prefers to grow in a semi-shady area to look the best.
The plant can tolerate temperatures down to 18°F, but is
not very frost tolerant. If grown in the shade, it would be protected
from these frosts. This species will attain a spread of nine
feet in only eight years of proper growing. Supply of this plant
is not meeting the demand yet, but there are a dozen nurseries
in Florida propagating these plants from seed.
Ceratozamia kuesteriana
is a cycad from Mexico that is just now coming into the scene.
The foliage is very frost tolerant and the stems have proved
to be cold hardy down to 17°F. This is a subterranean species,
so if the stem is planted below ground level, it would tolerate
a lot lower temperatures. This is one of only a few species of
cycads that are totally unarmed, or in other words there are
no spines on these plants. This species would make a good accent
plant near walkways where most people would not want to use other
cycads. Ceratozamia kuesteriana has what cycad collectors
call brown emergent leaves. The new soft leaves come out brown
and then harden up to a light green. This color change can be
very attractive in the landscape where contrast is needed. A
single headed plant will attain a spread of five feet, but multiple
heads can be produced to increase the spread to around seven
feet in time. This is another plant that would prefer to be in
a somewhat shady location to look it's best. Several years ago
two or three thousand plants were imported into Florida and there
are currently quite a few people with breeding colonies. Somewhere
around 10,000 seeds are produced each year in Florida, but this
will have to increase if demand for this species becomes more
popular in the future.
Ceratozamia hildae,
commonly known as the bamboo cycad, has got to be the most exciting
new species of cycad to enter Florida. This plant grows more
in a shape similar to bamboo instead of having a fountain form
like most cycads. The foliage and the stem are very cold hardy,
and have been tested in Louisiana with very good results during
the 1989 freeze. Except for bamboo, there are not too many cold
hardy plants that have this upright habit. These plants can be
used in smaller areas where sagos would be out of the question.
The leaves on this species will attain a height of around seven
feet, and the leaflets are arranged in clusters that resemble
a bow tie in appearance. Ceratozamia hildae is a fairly
fast growing species and can become mature in only four to five
years. This plant looks it's best in partial shade but can be
grown in more sun and in deep shade. This is a plant that we
will have to look for in the future. Around 6,000 seeds are produced
each year in Florida, but in five years this figure will increase
to 50,000. When more people realize how beautiful and versatile
these plants are, there will be a great demand for public and
private use.